When you bring the Kindness Adventure to your school, you’re inviting a world class performer who is carefully trained and often has years of experience with educational assemblies. While your performer is there to help you deepen your school-wide work on kindness and bullying prevention, they also bring global knowledge to the stage. Each performer of the Kindness Adventure has traveled to meet our partners in Kenya. They’ve spent time with the students and staff at Bidii Primary School in Nairobi, shared meals with the Maasai in Kajiado County, and have stood in awe of the wildlife of the Maasai Mara. The stories they’ll share will be captivating and heartfelt, as they all have received a great deal of personal kindness from the people they met and experiences they brought back during their time in Kenya.
Playing ball at Bidii
Everyone is pumped about the new well!
Meeting a Maasai warrior!
Maasai friends
Having a blast with the Bidii students
Making friends at Bidii school
Outside a traditional Maasai home
Overwhelmed by baby elephant cuteness
Laughing with the Maasai women
Dazzled by the giraffe
Sharing stories
Showing students clips of the assembly
A herd of hippos on safari
Never a dull moment at Bidii Primary
Hey, look, it's a hyena!
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